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Music for all, our social engagement

We want all children to be able to play piano


During our musical formation, we have lived and witnessed situations both personally and closely, where the economic and health problems of a family did not allow students with great potential to continue their musical studies or to have access to a musical instrument.


We clearly live in a world which is unequal in many ways, and at Pianoma we have made it our mission to try to lessen those differences and offer classes in a way that is accessible to those who would not be able to access them otherwise. 


In collaboration with the Social Press Association PEstudio and the Portal de la Infancia, we try to raise funds to restore the children's rights and to fund music scholarships within our online school. 


You can help us by just donating the amount you consider. With the funds raised we will create scholarships for those who have contacted us and are in real need. 

We can offer scholarships to students who fit into these communities:


Cancer, rare and chronic diseases patients
Single-parent families
War victims and refugees
Violence victims 
Children with special care needs


Get in touch with us and we will handle your particular situation :


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